Millo Communication

House of Leather & Gifts at 25!

Millocommunication & House of Leather

Millo Communications assumed a transformative role in positioning HOL as a top-of-mind brand through a multifaceted strategy. Our holistic approach, spanning from the creation of compelling content to strategic influencer partnerships, played a pivotal role in reshaping HOL’s digital presence.

By leveraging the popularity of Valentine’s Day and HOL’s 25th Birthday, influencer/comedians Mammito and Njugush were enlisted to craft engaging videos that not only garnered millions of views but also elevated HOL’s brand recall. By recognizing HOL’s existing digital footprint, Millo Communications offered insightful improvements, advocated for consistent posting, increased the use of Instagram Reels, and incorporated storytelling through Facebook and Instagram stories.

Millo Communications initiated monthly influencer collaborations to sustain a lasting ‘buzz’ around HOL, actively fostering brand loyalty. Significantly, these strategies were strategically woven to amplify HOL’s online store and app, establishing a seamless connection between digital engagement and HOL’s commercial platforms. This comprehensive and integrated approach actively shaped HOL’s enduring prominence in the digital landscape, solidifying its status as a top-of-mind brand in the hearts of Kenyan consumers.

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