Millo Communication

The Wellness Refinery

The Wellness Refinery

A boutique, 360-degree multi-platform space offering access to a variety of wellness activities, the Wellness Refinery, engaged Millo Communications prior to opening its doors with a need for ‘the full package’. A space for those who care about their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and have chosen to develop and adopt a more balanced and healthier lifestyle, the Wellness Refinery offers a unique opportunity for Millo Communications to work with a new type of client.

The journey to create a powerful brand identity included strategic logo design, creating an impactful social media presence, and integrating essential brand elements for a cohesive and captivating image. The result is a distinctive brand identity that sets The Wellness Refinery apart, as well as a dynamic social media engagement strategy that fosters a vibrant online community, and a unified brand image that resonates with its audience.

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